Monday , 24 March 2025

2025 Training

Date/Status Training Course* Training Fee (USD)

  • Discounted rate for Filipinos available
24-28 March (Session 1)
19-23 May (Session 2)
14-18 July (Session 3)
Accepting applicants
Giant freshwater prawn hatchery and grow-out operations 660 BFS
31 March-10 April
Accepting applicants
Abalone (Haliotis asinina) hatchery and grow-out operations 2,160 TMS
28 April-13 May
Accepting applicants
Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) seed production, nursery and management 1,560 TMS
16 June-22 July
Accepting applicants
Marine fish hatchery operations  2,880 TMS
4-8 August
Accepting applicants
Tilapia hatchery and grow-out operations 660 BFS
4-22 August
Accepting applicants
Mangrove crab hatchery operations 2,160 TMS
18-27 August
Accepting applicants
Micropropagation and nursery culture of seaweed Kappaphycus 1,440 TMS
21-25 August
Accepting applicants
Carp hatchery and grow-out operations 660 BFS
1-5 September
Accepting applicants
Catfish hatchery and grow-out operations 660 BFS
1-10 September
Accepting applicants
Mangrove crab nursery and grow-out operations 1,080 TMS
October 2025-January 2026
Accepting applicants
Distance learning course on principles of health management in aquaculture (AquaHealth Online) 720 Online
11-25 November
Accepting applicants
Community-based freshwater aquaculture for remote rural areas of Southeast Asia 1,440 BFS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Brackishwater aquaculture At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Fish health diagnostics

  • Bacteriological analysis
  • Detection of bacterial and viral diseases in fish and shrimp using PCR
At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Selected freshwater species

  • Giant freshwater prawn
  • Tilapia
  • Catfish
At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Oyster hatchery At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Aquaculture engineering At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Marine fish net cage culture At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Feed formulation and preparation At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Hatchery of selected species
(milkfish/sea bass/grouper)
At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
Pond culture of selected marine species At cost TMS
By arrangement
Accepting applicants
On-site training courses on aquaculture technologies At cost TMS

*Training courses may be postponed if the minimum number of participants cannot be attained. Courses should have at least 7 local participants

**BFS – Binangonan Freshwater Station, Tapao Point, Binangonan, Rizal; TMS -Tigbauan Main Station, Tigbauan, Iloilo

For more details, please contact the Training Section. The training fee covers the cost of registration, training materials, transport, and field trips. Accommodation and meals are not included. Arranged courses require a non-refundable deposit equivalent to 25% of the training fee two weeks before the
start of the training course for a secured slot. The training schedule and training fee are subject to change without prior notice.

For accommodations, coordinate directly with the Housing Management Office (Ms. Sunshine Mae Salonga) through email at

For more information, please contact:

Training and Information Division
Tel No.: (6333) 330 7033; Fax No.: (6333) 330 7031
Email:,,, (for BFS-based training courses)

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