Monday , 24 March 2025

AQD awards

SEAFDEC / AQD Award Winning Research Papers and other Achievement Awards


 1987. ICLARM NAGA Award for Best Scientific Paper
Gonzal AC, Aralar EV, Pavico JMF.  1987.  The effects of water hardness on the hatching and viability of silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) eggs.  Aquaculture 64:111-118.

1987. Department of Science and Technology (DOST) – Philippine Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development (PCAMRD).  1st Dr. Elvira O. Tan Memorial Award for Fisheries Research. Best Research Paper
Baticados MCL, Coloso RM, Duremdez RC.  1986.  Studies on the chronic soft-shell syndrome in the tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon Fabricius, from brackishwater ponds.  Aquaculture 56:271-285.

1988. DOST-PCAMRD. 2nd Dr. Elvira O. Tan Memorial Award for Best Published Paper in Aquaculture/Inland Fisheries
Millamena OM, Primavera JH, Pudadera RA, Caballero RV.  1986. The effect of diet on reproductive performance of pond-reared Penaeus monodon Fabricius broodstock. In: Maclean JL, Dizon LB, Hosillos LV (eds.). The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Proceedings of the First Asian Fisheries Forum; 26-31 May 1986; Manila, Philippines.  Manila, Philippines: Asian Fisheries Society; pp. 593-596.

Piedad-Pascual F.1986.  Effect of supplemental lecithin and lipid sources on the growth and survival of Penaeus monodon
juveniles. In: Maclean JL, Dizon LB, Hosillos LV (eds.). The First Asian Fisheries Forum. Proceedings of the First Asian
Fisheries Forum; 26-31 May 1986; Manila, Philippines. Manila, Philippines: Asian Fisheries Society; pp. 615-618.

1988. American Institute of Nutrition. Best Research Paper.
Coloso RM, Stipanuk MH.  1989.  Metabolism of cyst(e)ine in rat enterocytes.  J. Nutr. 119:1914-1924.

1989.  70th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists. Tacoma, Washington, U.S.A.  1st Place, Outstanding Paper Award.
Bagarinao TU. Sulfide tolerance and detoxification in coastal marine fishes.

1989. Department of Agriculture (DA) – Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR).  Best Research Paper Award for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Category
Lavilla-Pitogo CR, Baticados MCL, Cruz-Lacierda ER, de la Peña LD.  1990.  Occurrence of luminous bacterial disease of Penaeus monodon larvae in the Philippines.  Aquaculture 91:1-13.

1990. DA-BAR.  Best Research Paper Award, Socio-economics Category
Agbayani RF, Baliao DD, Franco NM, Ticar RB, Guanzon NG Jr.  1989.  An economic analysis of the modular pond system of milkfish production in the Philippines.  Aquaculture 83:249-260.

1991. DA-BAR.  Best Research Paper Award for Aquaculture Engineering Category
Millamena OM, Casalmir CM, Subosa PF.  1991.  Performance of recirculating systems for prawn hatchery and broodstock maturation tanks.  Aquacult. Eng. 10:161-171

1991. DA-BAR.  Best Research Paper Award, 1st Place for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Category
Hurtado-Ponce AQ.  1990.  Vertical rope cultivation of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) using vegetative fragments.  Bot. Mar.

1991. DA-BAR. Best Research Paper Award, 2nd Place for Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Category 
Santiago CB, Aldaba MB, Laron MA, Reyes OS.  1988.  Reproductive performance and growth of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) broodstock fed diets containing Leucaena leucocephala leaf meal.  Aquaculture 70:53-61.

1991. DA-BAR. Best Research Paper Award, 2nd Place for Socio-economics Category
Agbayani RF, Baliao DD, Samonte GPB, Tumaliuan RE, Caturao RD.  1990.  Economic feasibility analysis of the monoculture of
mudcrab (Scylla serrata) Forsskal.  Aquaculture 91:223-231.

1991. DOST-PCAMRD.  5th Dr. Elvira O. Tan Memorial Award for Fisheries Research. Best Paper for Aquaculture
Bautista MN, Millamena OM, Kanazawa A.  1989.  Use of kappa-carrageenan microbound diet (C-MBD) as feed for Penaeus monodon larvae.  Mar. Biol. 103:169-173.

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