Saturday , 22 March 2025


Why milkfish hatchery?

  • Hatchery technology for large-scale seed production is already established
  • With seasonal shortage of milkfish fry from the wild, the hatchery option is a good one
  • Early fear of getting deformed market-sized milkfish is no longer an issue
  • Increased acceptance from grow-out culturists once its performance had been demonstrated satisfactorily

Technological Viability List of Technology Adoptors
Milkfish hatchery

Eggs are hatched, raised, and then sold at day 21 or older. Natural food (Chlorella, Brachionus, Artemia) are fed to the larvae, enriching the rotifer and Artemia in particular with highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) and Vitamin C. [read more]

Milkfish Hatchery
• CAHAALA Multi-species Hatchery, Roxas City, Capiz (2006)

AQD’s Work on Milkfish
AQD has had over 30 years of research and extension work on milkfish, from the development of broodstock technology; to induction of spawning and larval rearing since 1977; regular spontaneous spawning of broodstock in captivity during the breeding season since 1980; completion of life cycle in captivity in 1983; development of techniques for collection of spawned eggs in seacages in 1986; natural spawning in concrete tanks in 1990; formulation of effective larval diet in 1995 and broodstock diet in 1997.

AQD provided the technology to the Philippine government’s National Bangus Breeding Program that was started in 1981 until it was privatized in 1995. Training courses on milkfish hatchery were offered as early as 1984; and the first commercial hatchery mass-produced fry in 1991. After that, the technology was transferred to more private hatcheries.

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